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4 Black Hat SEO Techniques to Avoid Listed by Baidu

In Baidu’s official guide on SEO, it has clearly stated that any approaches taking advantages of strategic flaws of Baidu’s Search Algorithms would be regarded as cheating.

Such cheating behaviors aim to obtain organic rankings inconsistent with corresponding pages’ quality and would cause decline of search quality and bad user experiences on Baidu.

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4 Ways to Boost Your SEO Rankings with Baidu Analytics

As we mentioned before, it’s very important to install Chinese local tools for SEO for Baidu, and Baidu Analytics (百度统计 Baidu Tongji, in Chinese) is one of them. Below you will know how this important tool could boost SEO rankings of your site throughout all the four important phases of SEO-oriented website building:

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How to Track and Analyze Your Data from Baidu PPC tool?

We’ve mentioned that local tools for SEO and other marketing approaches are very important for tracking performance of your website for Chinese audience.

And today we’re introducing some detailed means of tracking your data on Baidu Marketing, a PPC tool from Baidu.

Daily monitoring should be performed once you have Baidu Marketing campaigns launched, data including purchases, clicks and bounce rates should be included in monitoring. And the more detailed your analysis is, the more thorough factors affecting search results you would concluded. Data analysis is often neglected by novices, and also the toughest part. Many marketers would only pay attention to changes of keyword bids and visit numbers, but rarely think about factors behind such changes.

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Cost Effective Online Marketing Channels for SMEs Targeting Chinese Consumers

Which websites in China tend to have good rankings for organic traffic? And apart from SEO for Baidu, what kind of channels are cost-effective for promoting products and services in China? Here are some ideas for you:

1) Paid promotions

Paid promotions include SEM paid listing (PPC), news feed, internet ad union and brand marketing, etc. In the beginning of online marketing, paid promotion is one of the most efficient way of building brand awareness.

If your company is having a limited budget for online marketing for the Chinese marketing, you can try Baidu’s paid listing first, and later paid programs on 360, Sogou, Toutiao, UC, etc.

SEO News

Baidu: Broken links should be submitted via its tool asap

404 page

Baidu has recently listed all kinds of invalid pages and reminded webmasters to submit them to its tool as soon as possible.

“Those pages would directly affect your website’s indexing and authority,” said Baidu.

SEO News

Baidu Launches New Product Release Index Tool Based on its Search Data

Like Google Trends, Baidu Index has been a great tool for researching and identifying popularity and trend of any keywords indexed.

And now Baidu has just gone further with the tool. Baidu has recently launched a new feature inside its index tool – New Product Release Index. And this tool is a wonderful tool for planning and promoting your new products in Chinese market.

SEO News

8 Baidu’s criteria for low-quality content

Based on Baidu’s official materials on quality content, Jinray SEO summarizes following rules for creating of quality content, and you would be able to conclude some sustainable and healthy SEO techniques by reversing them:

1. Useless content

Many companies create content for content’s sake. That means they never consider usefulness of their content or if there is anyone would search for their content.

Remember that useless articles wouldn’t bring any traffic to your website even if they get nice rankings. According to Jinray SEO’s experience, such approaches are very common among overseas enterprises. They often create content for audience from target markets based on needs of their local audience while do no or little investigation for the market in advance . Usually they would just translate their English articles into Chinese, and insert keywords into the translations, but this is not user-friendly at all.

SEO News

Does Baidu PPC affect organic SEO rankings?

Baidu has changed the name of its “ranking auctions” (Baidu’s “Pay Per Click” business similar to Google AdWords) to “Baidu Marketing”, to avoid disputes on legitimacy of its PPC scenarios.

And as for questions about if Baidu PPC affects a website’s organic search traffic, Baidu’s official answer is no.

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Top Mistakes to Avoid in Baidu SEO for Popular Websites

Some SEO agencies or webmasters may take risky SEO measures to boost traffic of websites that have already been popular.

But the problem is, popular websites have great influences on Baidu and even the whole Chinese internet, and their malicious activities would cause more severe punishments from search engines.  And here are some common wrong actions taken by a lot of popular websites.

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Does Baidu prefer static URLs?

Baidu has officially claimed that it does not care if a URL is a static one or a dynamic one, and that it has no strategy of discriminating dynamic URLs.

It is known that search engines cannot handle dynamic URLs properly, because such URLs contain too many parameters and would probably create “black holes”, which drag web crawlers with numerous identical content yet different URLs.