SEO News

Baidu to Launch Breeze 2.0 Algorithm Update against Fake Download Buttons

According to Baidu’s recent official announcement, the search engine is planning to launch an algorithm update in early May 2018 – Breeze 2.0 (Qingfeng 2.0 in Chinese Pinyin). And this is a severer action after Breeze Algorithm (one important algorithm update among all Baidu’s search algorithm updates) against chaotic app marketing tactics on Chinese internet in recent years.

Breeze 2.0 will be targeting fake download information and links, and offending websites would see permanent bans.

SEO News

Full List of Baidu’s algorithm updates (till March 2018)

As mentioned before, Google and Baidu’s attitudes toward SEO reversed in recent years. Google became secretive in algorithm updates since Matt Cutts’ leaving. At the same time, Baidu released multiple algorithm updates with formal names in recent years.

And below is a list of algorithm updates that have been published officially by Baidu.

We collect these algorithms not to show any potential loopholes that could be utilized by webmasters, but to prove that although Baidu falls behind Google in some respects, it’s making great progress to offer better search experiences; therefore, websites aiming at Chinese market should avoid low techniques suggested by many Chinese SEO agencies and put more emphasis on content quality.