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6 Reasons Why Keyword Research for Baidu Miss the Best Options

Keyword research is the fundamental step before content optimization, which is critical for SEO of any websites, including SEO for Baidu. All Baidu SEO agencies provide services of keyword research and content optimization, so does Jinray.

But the work process has become very rigid while content work needs inspirations and flexibilities to find the best keyword and content solutions for websites. And here are six reasons why your way of keyword research could keep the best keyword options away from your websites.

Search volumes of keywords from any tools could be inaccurate

In years, we’ve been using professional and official tools offered by Baidu to determine search volumes of any keywords, these volumes are the most reliable figures on the planet, cannot be provided by any SEO agencies outside of mainland China, except they are cooperating with a Chinese agency like Jinray SEO.

But we also found that these official volumes could also be inaccurate. In some cases, we spot a great keyword with significant search volumes and we write splendid content around it, but later we could find that few people actually search this word.

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4 Ways to Boost Your SEO Rankings with Baidu Analytics

As we mentioned before, it’s very important to install Chinese local tools for SEO for Baidu, and Baidu Analytics (百度统计 Baidu Tongji, in Chinese) is one of them. Below you will know how this important tool could boost SEO rankings of your site throughout all the four important phases of SEO-oriented website building: