In the mobile internet era, webpage load time becomes more important, because according to Baidu’s test, visitors would close the page if it couldn’t be accessed in more than three seconds. Therefore, Baidu might limit display of webpages in its search results that cannot be loaded completely in three seconds. However, what’s the best time of page loading? Someone asked Baidu’s engineer on a high-level forum.
Q: What’s Baiduspider’s favorite load time for a crawled webpage? Will the page get punished if the load time is too long?
A: One second would be the best, and the longest allowed time would be 4 to 5 seconds. If the load time is longer, I’m afraid Baiduspider would have to come again some other time. And of course, if such circumstance happens often, your site would get very few fetches from Baiduspider.
The engineer from Baidu also presented a slide, which shows that Baiduspider gives priority to websites with nice record of crawling effect and stable servers.